Replacing NSX-T Certificate with Custom Certificate

                               Replacing NSX-T Certificate with Custom Certificate.


As part of best practice, it is always recommended to replace VMware self-signed Platform certificates with your organization's CA signed certificate.

To do the same we need to create a Certificate Signing Request for the NSX Manager.

NSX-T Data Center deployment install VMware self-signed certificated by default. The same can be checked by navigating to System > Certificates to view the platform certificates created by the system.

By default, these are self-signed X.509 RSA 2048/SHA256 certificates for internal communication within NSX-T Data Center and for external authentication when NSX Manager is accessed using APIs or the UI.


To replace the VMware self-signed certificate with the custom cert there are four main steps:


1). Generate CSR.

2). Request the certificate from Certificate Authority.

3). Import Certificate

4). Validate and Replace the certificate on each cluster and each nsx node.


Generating CSR

Generating CSR can be performed by GUI and CLI(Openssl). But if you generate it via GUI from NSX manager you will get CSR with only that NSX Manager CN Name and you cannot add SAN (Subject Alternative Name). It is recommended that you use a single common CA-signed certificate with a SAN (Subject Alternative Names) list that matches all the nodes and VIP for the cluster and that can be only done via CLI.


First let’s see the steps which are available in GUI, with no option to add SAN as follows:

1). Login to NSX-T and go to System.



2). Navigate to system tab, click on tab CSR and then click on Generate CSR.

3). A new pop window will open and fill all the fields in the window as per your organization approved details.


4). Once the details are saved, than you can download the CSR file and upload to your organization approved CA request tool to get the certificate with key.


Now let’s see the steps to generate the CSR using openssl via CLI.

To use openssl, use any server which has the open ssl utility or you can also use the same by login to vcenter via ssh and generating the CSR from there.

1). The key thing to remember is for CLI we need to create a configuration file e,g nsx-certs.cnf and that configuration file content will be like this:


[ req ]

default_bits = 2048

distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name

req_extensions = req_ext

prompt = no

x509_extensions = SAN


[ req_distinguished_name ]

countryName = AU

stateOrProvinceName = New South Wales

localityName = Sydney

organizationName = GREG TEST CORP

organizationalUnitName = Testing Services

commonName =


[ SAN ]

basicConstraints = CA:false

subjectKeyIdentifier = hash



[ req_ext ]

subjectAltName = @alt_names



DNS.1 =

DNS.2 =

DNS.3 =

DNS.4 =

IP.1 = 10.xx.xx.01

IP.2 = 10.xx.xx.02

IP.3 = 10.xx.xx.03

IP.4 = 10.xx.xx.04



2). Login to any server with openssl or you can ssh to the vcenter server.

Using Winscp upload the file to the vcenter temp directory(e.g /cert) and run the below command from the vcenter server.


/usr/bin/openssl req -out nsxt.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout nsxt.key -config nsx-certs.cnf -sha256



3). To read the key file and csr file under /usr/bin directly, you can use below command


cat nsxt.csr

cat nsxt.key


you can also you winscp and can extract the csr and key file to read it via notepad on your workstation.



Requesting Certificate and Key from Certificate Authority


Since we have the CSR and Key, please raise a request to your company CA Request tool by uploading the CSR.


If the CA server is not yet deployed in your organization, than a one can be created by following Microsoft and VMware resources from below link:



Importing Certificate


1). Login to NSX Manager and go to Systems Tab and under that click Certificates and select Import certificate. It will prompt a new window to Import certificate.




2). In the Import Certificate window give the Name as per your Organization standards.


Please note that Service Certificate option is enabled by default but please disable the toggle switch to NO.


Certificate Content and Private key we had already generated/requested in previous steps.

The key thing to remember here is that the certificate contents is not just the certificate content of your certificate, it is actually the certificate chain like below.











Replace the Certificate on each NSX node.

Once the certificate is imported we need to activate the same for each NSX Manager node including VIP.


1). Firstly, from the system’s tab of nsx manager, under the certificate, select the certificate you uploaded and copy the certificate id.



2). Secondly, before replacing the certificate it is always recommended to validate the certificate. To check there is no error with it and it can be done from the below api using any API tool or directly from the vcenter server.

curl -k -X GET -u 'admin:<NSX MANAGER ADMIN PASSWORD>' 'https://<NSX MANAGER FQDN>/api/v1/trust-management/certificates/<CERTIFICATE ID>?action=validate'

3). Lastly, to replace the certificate run the below api using any API tool or directly from the vcenter server.

To replace it on the nsx-t manager nodes run below api from vcenter, Do this on each node.

curl -k -X POST -u 'admin:<NSX MANAGER ADMIN PASSWORD>' 'https://<NSX MANAGER FQDN>/api/v1/node/services/http?action=apply_certificate&certificate_id=<CERTIFICATE ID>'

To replace it on the nsx-t cluster/VIP run below api

curl -k -X POST -u 'admin:<NSX MANAGER ADMIN PASSWORD>' 'https://<NSX MANAGER FQDN>/api/v1/cluster/api-certificate?action=set_cluster_certificate&certificate_id=<CERTIFICATE ID>'



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